RoBarry Publications
Publisher and Literary Agency
Representing writers in non-fiction with focus on progressive Christian topics. We seek to champion innovative and trend setting authors while supporting them throughout the entire book creation process. That includes building compelling proposals, support while writing, and care after a book is published.
We are keen to acquire: Black, Indigenous, and other writers of colour in (but not exclusively) Christian non-fiction; any writer with ideas for the progressive Christianity genre; and Canadian authors.
Please visit our contact form to send us your pitch.
From the Publishing House
Published non-fiction titles in the realm of re-imaginging faith, art, and justice.

Change the Story. A short resource on dismantling racism in Canada and the church.
Available for free after signing up for’s weekly newsletter and receive a free e-book on racism in the church. This introductory resource is an excellent starting point for those embarking on the journey to anti-racism. It contains six small chapters, recommended reading lists, article links, movie lists, and more!
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Thrive. Ideas to lead the church in post-Christendom.
Cultivate innovation and change in your community. Build new competencies in leadership development and mission in a pandemic world. Available on Amazon or Download for free from

Soul Coats: Restoration. Adult Bible Coloring Book
- Over 72 pages printed on heavy paper
- Over 64 professional illustrations to discover
- Download the FREE accompanying study guide
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